Friday, February 19, 2010

Building Large Reflector Some Questions........?

Some questions........? - building large reflector

1) What is the focal length of a 3-inch f / 7 mirror? ______ Inches

2) The largest space telescope in orbit is the name of the A-astronomer Edwin ________.

3) East-West lines are used primarily for satellites.

Sleeps 4) The Assembly of the light of a telescope depends on:

A - Enlargement
B - Focal
C - Dimensions of the Human Iris
D - Area of Aperture

5) William Herschel is famous for:

A - building the largest refracting telescope
B - The invention of the achromatic
C - for an accurate reflector of 48 inches
D - the invention of the telescope reflector

6) The minimum rate for a satellite needed to avoid the air resistance, it is important

A - 10 miles
B - 100 miles
C - 200 milesis
D - 500

7) The velocity is required:

A - increases with higher altitude
B - increases with increasing altitude
C - is constant regardless of the amount
D - is independent of the amount

8) The method by telescope makers have used to compensate for chromatic aberration is to increase to ________.

Thank you !!!!!


No, I won't do your homework said...

1) 21 "
2) Hubble
3) depending on the selected satellite.
4) D
5) A
6) C
7) B
8) Size

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